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Does everyone need a psychologist?

Welcome to My Blog! My mission is to deliver mental health to EVERYONE, efficiently and effectively.

I am Dr. Heathcote, licensed clinical psychologist, and here to help anyone to live life to the fullest. That may sound corny and even cliche, however I am convinced that everyone is capable to find joy in life and create their path to happiness.

My practice has focused on family/child psychology over the past 25 years and I feel I have been successful in delivering psychological services.

The spectrum of mental health has changed significantly, especially since Covid. The world is experiencing a mental health crisis, people are in of services that focus on chronic and serious mental health illnesses such as depression, anxiety and addiction.

However, it has also become clear that social contact and human kindness can go a long ways, not everyone requires a psychologist or mental health specialist.

Tell your loved ones that you are proud of them, that you care and that you love them; acknowledge strangers and offer your help, say hello, smile and be excited about a new day, every day!

I can provide you with an expert consultation for 80 minutes, now at a special rate for $200.

I am looking forward to changing your life now!

Dr. Astrid Heathcote, licensed clinical psychologist

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